A View to a Kill
Released on MGM Home Entertainment.
Small Box - Retail Tape
In his farewell to the Bond series, Roger Moore is pitted against two of the deadliest villains: super-intelligent Max Zorin, the product of a Nazi genetic experiment played by Christopher Walken and his psychotic partner-in-crime May-Day, played with delicious malice by Grace Jones.
A View To A Kill begins on location in arctic Russia, with a chase to beat all chases involving snowmobiles, helicopters and skis. Bond is saved by Secret Service Kimberley Jones (Mary Stavins) who appears in an 'iceberg' submersible to rescue him. Next location is Paris where May Day makes a spectacular parachute dive from the Eiffel Tower, but the final scenes are played out at the top of the Golden Gate bridge overlooking San Francisco Bay - a perfect View To A Kill.
© Danjaq, LLC and United Artists Corp.
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