A View To A Kill
PEV 99213
Released on Warner Home Video.
Big Box - Promotional Tape
". . . what more could any Bond fan want?"
". . . packed with action. . .007 turns out to be as indestructable as ever". DAILY STAR
". . .spectacular. . ." DAILY MIRROR
". . . exciting. . . I can't recall a better-looking Bond film. . .licence to thrill". DAILY MAIL
Has James Bond finally met his match? Will it be mysterious Christopher Walken as Max Zorin, bilionaire industrialist and race-horse owner who intends to make a killing of earthquake proportions on the world micro-chip market? Will it be the extrordinary Grace Jones as May Day, Max Zorin's enigmatic and lethal female accompilace who matches Bond in a deadly duel of wits until the explosive finale?
Or will it be beautiful Tanya Roberts as American Stacey Sutton who believes Bond is an ally of Zorin, her avowed enemy? "A View To A Kill" is the fourteenth of the series and is more visually stunning and physically demanding than any of it's predecesors. Roger Moore has never been better as Bond and he is joined by all the usual favourites plus Patrick Macnee as a delightfully eccentric secert service agent and Fiona Fullerton as a beautiful but deadly KGB agent.
©1985 Danjaq S.A. and MGM Entertainment Co.
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