Alice Doesn't Live Here Anymore
WEV 61034
Released on Warner Home Video.
Big Box - Rental Tape
A movie for everyone who has ever dreamed of a second chance
IN HER THIRTIES, AND ON THE ROAD, WITH DREAMS OF A SINGING CAREER. In Monterey, California, eight year old Alice Graham dreams of becoming a singer. Twenty seven years later, in Socorro, New Mexico, she spends most of her time mediating between her sullen husband Donald Hyatt and their impish eleven year old son Tom. When Donald is killed in a road accident Alice decides to sell up and pursue a singing career. Taking Tom with her she heads for Monterey, checking into a Phoenix motel en route. Eventually she lands a job singing in a bar, but quits following an unpleasant experience with a philandering husband, Their next stop is Tucson and yet another motel room. Of necessity Alice takes a job as a waitress. She also finds herself forced to reassess her life, her relationship with Tom, and most of all her dependence on men.
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